Truck Tires By Area of Use
International Transport
Driving long distances at high speed is an important factor in international transport. You need a tyre that has high wear resistance and offers excellent driving performance. The best steer-axle tyre to be used for this purpose is the Magna MHSL, especially for long haul high-speed driving conditions. Followed by the Magna MHDL as a drive-axle tyre and the Magna MHTL as trailer tyre.
Regional and Local Transport
A typical feature of tyres used in regional and local transport is that they regularly accelerate and decelerate. These tyres cover fewer miles than international transport, but they must be safe and optimised for medium haul operating conditions.
The best tyre to be used for this purpose is the Magna MHSR, a steer-axle. The Magna MSR can be used here as drive-axle tyre, which is an all position tyre. Followed by a trailer tyre such as the Magna MTC, which is optimised for regional distance traffic.
Intensive Construction Site
There are also truck tyres used as construction tyre. These tyres are specially designed to perform well on many different tyres of surfaces, such as wet and very dry surfaces. Are you interested in using your truck tyres on construction sites? Check out the Magna MSC as an all-position tyre. Both tyres are designed to ensure excellent traction in on- and off road construction surfaces.
On- and Off Road
Finally, we have the truck tyres that are specially designed for use as both on- and off road tyres. These tyres must perform on both muddy and sandy terrain. For this purpose there is an all position tyre, the Magna MSO. But truck tyres must also perform on wet or snowy roads, for which there is the Magna MSO-3. Also an all position tyre.
More Information?
Would you like more information about our truck tyres? Or would you like to request a quote for one of the tyres above? Leave your information in our contact form and we will contact you as soon as possible!