The Magna MHDL is a drive-axle tyre designed especially for long haul high-speed driving conditions, which therefore vouches for increased mileage. This tyre also provides excellent driving comfort and grip performance. The tyre’s enhanced grip performance on wet roads reduces tread heat generation, while also offering excellent durability.
The deep, wide tread and optimised footprint design of the Magna MHDL tyre offers reduced rolling resistance and fuel consumption. The design with its rugged directional tread also offers an extended tyre life and regular tread wear. Furthermore, this tyre is provided with a high-tech casing for reduced heat build-up inside the tyre. This tyre can also be used as a tyre for motorhomes or campers or other recreational vehicles as a long haul truck tyre.
Make sure to check with your sales manager which tyre sizes are available for your region.